„Ode to Tony Galea“

„Ode to Tony Galea“

I didn’t make it often to Jigger Beaker & Glass although the drinks I had really touched me. Tony had a few more shifts in some other bars and sometimes I met him at events. At the bar market he told me that he would have his very last guestshift at the ORA Bar before leaving for London. It was a Saturday night and I was a bit late. Nevertheless I had two delicious drinks specifically tailored to me and my mood. This is exactly what this guy does.

He makes drinks which fit your taste and your mood. Classical cocktail recipes are the basis and he gives them an unorthodox touch that transfoms the drinks into unique twists.

If you wonder why I am writing about that? I am fascinated by the love, passion and dedication to his work. I am writing about my adventures in bars and about people I like. People who gave me an unforgettable experience. The drinks I had, combined strong flavours, offered complexity, challenging to the taste buds but not overburding them. I like it „boozy“ and I love classy elegant drinks. Simple as that!

I watched him while he was preparing the last drinks in Berlin. He usually focusses on an idea and then looks for the proper spirit, adding this and that, tasting his concotion, adding something, looking for the matching glassware and finally serving you your drink with an amazing smile. He is a a very special bartender, mixologist and host. Special, because he has a very highly developed ability to create balanced drinks. Special, because he is a brilliant mixologist without losing the touch to his guests taste. He is down-to-earth, funny and obviously loves what he does. A bartender without airs and graces.

It was time to say goodbye and wipe away the lipstick marks on his cheek. Thank you and see you in London. I will find you πŸ˜‰