Bar-Stadt Basel! Schon mal davon gehört? Die Stadt bietet eine Auswahl an ausgezeichneten Bars, von klassisch hin zu Hotelbars, Tikibars und Weinlokalen. Mittlerweile wohne ich näher an dieser schönen Stadt...
When I travelled through Australia I explored some Distillery Bars. The idea of having a bar attached to a distillery, where premium spirits are hand-crafted from local ingredients straight to...
Milan is the financial heart of Italy and one of the fashion and design capitals of the world. You will find centuries-old art and cultural history, modern boutiques and upscale...
“Discover cities by their bars and countries by their spirits” is my personal credo. This time I revisited the Amsterdam bar scene after five years. Bar Mokum celebrated its opening...
Stadtführung in liquider Form gefällig? Drei Bars bringen mit lokalen Konzepten die “Stadt der Löwen” ins Glas. Singapur ist derzeit eines der spannendsten Reiseziele für Cocktail & Food Enthusiasten. Exzellente...
Berlin hat eine stattliche Anzahl an Bars, sehr zum Leidwesen meiner Leber. Warum ich es erst jetzt, genauer gesagt nach fünf Jahren, ins Bürkner Eck geschafft habe? Das habe ich...
Bordeaux is beautiful and has everything that one would expect of a vibrant modern city. From restaurants and bars to an architectural ensemble of stone buildings. It is idyllically located...
Covid beat them Scout is one of the best bars in the world and has made a name for itself with ingredients and innovative cocktails, as well as making a...
I say goodbye to Brisbane and let myself be caught up by Australia’s largest city. Famous for its laidback lifestyle, Sydney impresses with its harbour flair and photogenic opera house....
I saved my favourite two bar adventures in Melbourne for last. The best is yet to come. Both concepts shaped by their own „style and personality“, experienced and knowledgeable. Both...
What I love about Cologne’s bustling bar scene is that the locations are within walking distance, there is a friendly vibe at all times and I always meet nice people...
In February 2016, I met Matías Iriarte Turnes doing a guestshift at Bryk Bar in Berlin. He introduced the concept of the Ginbo Gin & Cocktail Bar located in the...