Embury Bar – Classic Cocktails in Mainhattan

The multi-faceted financial metropolis of Frankfurt am Main has something to offer for every taste in terms of bars. Affectionately known as Mainhattan, made up of Main, the river on which Frankfurt is situated, and Manhattan, a reference to the visually impressive high-rises and skyscrapers in the inner-city area, which is a special feature for a European city. You already know my little love stories with bars, yet up to now, I have missed out Embury Bar. Time to make up for lost time. Join me on a sip to Embury. According to their motto “It’s all about having a pleasant time”, which you will surely have.
The bar is named after David Augustus Embury, a tax attorney, mixologist and author of The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks (1948), an encyclopedia of the twentieth-century cocktail. Embury had “never been engaged in any of the manifold branches of the liquor business” and was experienced “entirely as a consumer and as a shaker-upper of drinks for the delectation of my guests”. The Embury bar celebrated its fifth birthday last month with a bang and is rumoured to have one of the largest selections of spirits in Germany.
Ice-cold and clear cost calculation
Behind renowned bars there are usually strong personalities who shape and present them. Embury Bar is no exception and is helmed by Dominik Falger, who is known for his very very large selection of spirits, his precise way of working and his affinity for technology. His drinks are calculated ice-cold with the help of minute-by-minute monitoring of the technical equipment. During one of my last visits, I was allowed to look at the live view of Dominik’s app used for this purpose. I was impressed, but at the same time shocked by the high consumption and the resulting, and currently increasing, costs. A bar needs a lot of energy to operate.
What you can look forward to at Embury is a classic bar with an outstanding spirits library.
Around 1,500 bottles of best quality products from all over the world can be found on the shelves behind the long bar. A scrolling library ladder helps the bartender to reach the well-stocked back bar.
Entering the bar through the heavy curtain, you are surrounded by dark and warm wood tones in a simple and timeless design, everything is pleasantly and dimly lit. The bar is equipped with about 50 seats, and I recommend a seat at the bar where you will have the best view of the flawlessly arranged spirit collection.
The selection of spirits leads to an extensive menu. It is a mix of forgotten drinks with new interpretations. The drinks are prepared professionally, precisely, and seriously, without a big show. All drinks are served with their well-known crystal-clear ice, which is produced in their own ice lab. In the cellar, the bar’s own ice preparation takes place, where a block of ice weighing over 100 kg is broken down into crystal-clear ice cubes. In addition to its aesthetic character, the high density of the ice ensures that the drink can be enjoyed for longer than average without diluting the taste. I wouldn’t venture to make any recommendations here because everyone can find something to their taste. I have not been disappointed yet. Hungry? Enjoy the tasty snacks. Delicious hotdog specialties with an extra Embury twist.
What awaits you at Embury is a retreat, a relaxed atmosphere after a work routine day. An intimate place for serious drinkers accompanied by jazzy vibes.
Some of Frankfurt’s new openings and reopenings have unfortunately remained one-night stands. Embury is a crystal-clear recommendation. A must visit for discerning drinkers and those who want to become one.
Visit Embury’s Website